
Thanks for joining the TDYAY tribe! In 2014 I was teaching 8th grade ELA (like a ninja). The state of PA decided to roll out a “new way” of testing kids in grades 4 – 8 and called it “Text Dependent Analysis” commonly known as “TDA”. I was part of the original cohort of amazing teacher leaders who worked to figure out the best ways to prepare kids to read, analyze, and respond (on demand) to a TDA command. Five years in the making, I am now an instructional coach, educational consultant, and TDYAY enthusiast sharing little known ways to teach text dependent analysis (like a ninja) and actually enjoy it! -Meg Burke, Meg Burke Consulting LLC 

Meet the TDYAY Ninjas

Meg Burke
Literacy Coach, Learning Coach, Secondary ELA Teacher, Tech Integrator, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Tinker and Thinker, Reader and Writer, and everything in between.
Meghan Smith

Hannah Gendron